Hello, I'm Tricia!
seeker | psychic | creator | coach
My personal health journey began in 2018 when I started having chest pain at the young age of 23, amongst other health issues. I lost faith in the western medical system when I was told by my doctor to “wait and see if it gets any worse, then we can discuss treatment plans.” I was not interested in taking a pill for the rest of my life. Modern medicine left me with so many questions, so I began doing my own research in the field of health and nutrition.
I was vegetarian for most of my youth then vegan for about a year. I had no idea what I was doing to my body, as I was following the trends I saw around me. I stopped being vegan and resumed the Standard American Diet (the acronym being S.A.D. says it all.). This is when my health took a turn for the worse. I was pale, bruised easily, had acne, terrible PMS, hormonal imbalances, if I stood up to fast I would be light headed and often black-out, I would burn in the sun easily, and many more symptoms that left me feeling terrible.
I had no idea my diet was the cause of all my health issues. A standard blood test showed me I was lacking in vital vitamins and minerals. Before I made any change in my personal life, I got to see how my Mom managed her type II diabetes. The answer did not come from some pill or regular insulin injection. Rather, it was what she chose to fuel herself with that mattered the most. She began a strict ketosis diet, and I watched her life radically change! I saw how powerful food really is and how the things we chose to consume matter! My parents were the inspiration for my health and wellness journey!
I dove into the rabbit hole of health and wellness head first! Ketosis, paleo, AIP, ancestral eating, elimination diets, etc.. As I started eating more whole foods and cut out processed sugar, vegetable oils, and wheat, to name a few, my health took an immediate turn! I was so fortunate to address my health early in life before dis-ease took root. My parents introduced the Law of Attraction to me which triggered more spiritual awakening regarding my beliefs about the world around me and what I held to be true. When my Dad suddenly passed at the beginning of 2020 the real awakening began! I started having vivid dreams, becoming aware of past lives, hearing voices, seeing figures & balls of light appear out of no where. My dad contacted me on the other side of the veil and helped me awaken the gifts I had stored within. This lead me to discovering divination tools like tarot and automatic writing. I began channeling beings of light and love from the Galactic Federation, my spirit guides, Angels, and ancestors.
My brand, HealthyHappyHippie, focuses on the BodyMindSpirit connection. As my body began to heal, my mind (habits & patters) also shifted and this lead me to having a spiritual awakening. I discovered the language of the body, the subtle ques that often get overlooked. It is my belief that as a person begins to eat more fresh, whole, nutritious foods their body will begin to heal in more ways than just physical. The mental ‘fog’ or 'veil' will lift and a new vitality for life will emerge as the body sheds all that no longer serves it, whether that be toxins, fat cells, or emotions.
Today I’m an herbalist, Ayurvedic nutritionist, a yogi, and overall health enthusiast. I’ve devoted these past years to personal research, reading over 70+ books pertaining to health, wellness, and personal development. Attending open classes at my local Herbalism schools, Traditions School of Herbal Studies and Florida School Of Holistic Living, attending conferences, workshops, and other continued education units. I am currently enrolled in 2 more Herbal academy courses and Corin Grillo's Angel Alchemy Academy. I am a seeker and will always be learning and developing my skills.
I’m a firm believer in there being no ‘One True Diet’ for everyone. I think genetics play a huge roll in our individual food tolerances. As our ancestors 4 generations ago ate foods seasonally available to them, they build a resistance within their cells to food that others could have an intolerance to. This is called epigenetics and it plays a large role in how I fuel myself today. Food is the building blocks for the body, you are what you eat!
“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates.
I believe the secret to health is found in locally grown organic fruits and vegetables, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, pasture-raised, 100% grass-fed animal products. Too much of anything can be harmful. The trick is finding what works for you and sticking to that, although this may change as you age or enter different stages of life such as when pregnant.
If you have any questions about me or how I structure my coaching container please email me at healthyhappyhippieus@gmail.com
Love & Light